How Did We Do This Year?
Please take a moment and tell us your thoughts about HamXposition—what you enjoyed the most and what you enjoyed the least—so that we may continue to improve the Northeast HamXposition….
“Lessons Learned as a Ham for Broadcast RF and Vice Versa” at HamXposition
Join Douglas Evans, K3DRE, as he talks about lessons learned in professional radio and how they lead him to ham radio. From there, he’ll move to the things he learned…
Youth Forum at Northeast HamXposition
What inspires today’s youth in the amateur radio hobby? Find out what’s on the minds of our youngest hams in this captivating round-table discussion. Great learning opportunity for teachers, scout…
Invite Your Imaginary Friends
Your imaginary friends will enjoy attending the 2024 Northeast HamXposition on February 22-25 at the Best Western in Marlborough, MA. We encourage you to bring your real friends, too, of…
“Perennial Favorite” Kansas City DX Pileup Competition, at HamXposition
Join your friends following the Friday banquet for this perennial Dayton favorite: Northeast HamXposition’s version of the annual Kansas City DX Club CW Pileup Competition, hosted by Ed Parish, K1EP. This…
Great Publicity For HamXposition from CKUT 90.3 “International Radio Report”
The August 18, 2024 edition of “International Radio Report” contained a nice publicity piece for HamXposition. The show is carried on CKUT 90.3, at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. International…
Welcome to HamXposition—And Marlborough!
The Northeast HamXposition and ARRL New England Division convention isn’t just a destination of its own. We are fortunate to be hosted in the center of numerous hospitality, historical, and…
HamXposition Calendar Available on Your Smartphone!
Want to have the Northeast HamXposition program schedule at your fingertips? Download the 2024 HamXposition ICS calendar file (.ics) to integrate into your Apple or Google calendar, available at
“Radio & Steam Technology” at HamXposition
Three One-Hour-Long Kitbuilding Workshops Offered at HamXposition!
Beginners who need soldering instruction and practice are welcome to join us to build an easy beginner kit in under an hour. New England Sci-Tech volunteers will help anyone age…
“Low Cost USB-centric RF Test Equipment for Amateur Radio” at HamXposition
USB-centric RF test equipment is now becoming common for not only hobbyist, but also in the RF Industry. Join Brian Justin, WA1ZMS, has he reviews the various options for such…
“Technical Coordinator Program” at HamXposition
In existence for many decades, the ARRL Technical Coordinator Program, under the auspices of the ARRL Lab, brings a support network to the amateur radio community that significantly benefits the…
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