
photo of Mike Reisbeck, K1TWF

Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF
FEMARA President

A few nights ago as I crawled into bed after a very long day my mind turned to all the New England Division Conventions that I have had the privilege to attend over the years. It was like a montage spanning almost 60 years of radio. My first convention was at the New Ocean House in Swampscott. I think it was 1964. I was still a young teen without a driver’s license.

Ham radio was young, too, barely 50 years old. My dad drove me and a friend to the show and we spent the day marveling at all the technological wonders. Radios were made with hollow state devices, transistors were the new technology, and there were old timers who could talk about the days of spark. Things sure have changed. The ride has been, and continues to be, fun and exciting.

The conventions themselves have changed, too. I remember there were talks and forums like “Getting Started with Single Sideband” and “Cleaning up Chirp on your CW Signal.” Now we talk about mesh networks and about all the latest digital modes. Other things have changed as well. Old stalwarts such as the QSL card contest have succumbed to the technology of Logbook of the World, and the Wouff Hong has drifted out of fashion.

Change has come as well to the fabric of our conventions. The nature of the Special Event station has changed with the advent of remote operation. The rise of online presence has changed the way we gather information and the way that radios are sold, and thus the nature and the mix of commercial vendors so that now the concentration is on small and innovative new companies. In fact, this year we will be trying our first vendor remote presence. This could change the way we work.

But, of course, one important fundamental of our convention hasn’t changed. The show is, and I hope always will be, a social gathering. A chance for hams to meet up, face to face, to renew old friendships, to make new ones, and follow the progress of the hobby that ties us all together as we march further into the 21st century. Enjoy !! 73, Mike, K1TWF


photo of AB1OC

Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC
ARRL New England Division Director


Another successful Northeast HamXposition has passed. Once again, HamXposition performed a splendid job hosting the ARRL New England Division Convention.

I’m told that HamXposition features more talks and presentations than any other ham convention in the country! I can believe it. The only criticism I heard from folks went something like this: “Gee, I wished I could have attended ABC talk, but it met at the same time as DEF and XYZ.”

ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, traveled from Arkansas with his lovely wife, Holly, to attend our convention. Rick gave the Keynote address to officially kick off the Saturday program. Rick was followed by Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, ARRL Director of Emergency Management, who presented the EmComm Keynote address.

ARRL employees from Newington were on hand to staff the ARRL table to answer members’ questions and sell League merchandise.

Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, and I attended the ARRL Forum where we described our recent Board activities and answered questions from the audience.

The Northeast HamXposition is doing a remarkable job in providing a great flea market, vendor space, and an outstanding program of talks and other activities. It is no doubt a testament to the numbers of dedicated, active amateurs who call Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont their homes.

See you at next year’s ARRL New England Division Convention at HamXposition! 73, Fred


David A. Norris, K5UZ
President, ARRL Foundation

David Norris, K5UZOn behalf of the ARRL foundation, it is with great honor that I extend my greetings and sincere gratitude to the members of FEMARA. You have made the commitment to provide a real legacy for your organization and amateur radio in general by funding an ARRL Foundation Scholarship on an annual basis. This represents a level of service to the community that only a select few amateur radio clubs or organizations ever achieve.

FEMARA should be proud of the work you are doing by funding this academic award to a worthy student amateur radio operator. Through the scholarships, FEMARA, along with other organizations and individuals are making life changing contributions not only to amateur radio but society at large. Your commitment through the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program is indeed helping to positively shape a young amateur’s life and in so doing, creating a better world.