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Meet HamXposition Program Chair Skip Youngberg, K1NKR

YouTube vblogger Marv Turner, WØMET, interviews Northeast HamXposition Program Chairperson Skip Youngberg, K1NKR, about the task of organizing the myriad number of talks and presentations at the Northeast HamXposition. 

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“HamJam” at 2024 HamXposition

Eliot, W1MJ, on the guitar; Phil, K9HI, on vocals Get ready to rock out at HamXposition! It’s the Saturday night “HamJam,” hosted by Stephen Nickerson, N1BUS….
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“Powerline RFI Hunting On the Go”

ARRL Lab’s Mike Gruber, W1MG, hunting down a noise source Rob Leiden, K1UI, will present “Powerline RFI Hunting On the Go,” case studies involving finding power…
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