News and Information

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1Degree Outside Talk at HamXposition

The 1Degree Outside team of Matt & Danielle Noyes provided this nice publicity on Amateur Radio/SKYWARN and the Northeast HamXposition:  

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How Did We Do This Year?

Please take a moment and tell us your thoughts about HamXposition—what you enjoyed the most and what you enjoyed the least—so that we may continue to improve the Northeast HamXposition….

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Youth Forum at Northeast HamXposition

What inspires today’s youth in the amateur radio hobby? Find out what’s on the minds of our youngest hams in this captivating round-table discussion. Great learning opportunity for teachers, scout…

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Invite Your Imaginary Friends

Your imaginary friends will enjoy attending the 2024 Northeast HamXposition on February 22-25 at the Best Western in Marlborough, MA.  We encourage you to bring your real friends, too, of…

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Welcome to HamXposition—And Marlborough!

The Northeast HamXposition and ARRL New England Division convention isn’t just a destination of its own.  We are fortunate to be hosted in the center of numerous hospitality, historical, and…

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HamXposition Calendar Available on Your Smartphone!

Want to have the Northeast HamXposition program schedule at your fingertips? Download the 2024 HamXposition ICS calendar file (.ics) to integrate into your Apple or Google calendar, available at

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