Welcome from the Program Chair

Skip Youngberg, K1NKR

Skip Youngberg, K1NKR

HamXposition 2023 achieved a milestone by providing 89 talks (four were repeat presentations). Our convention typically fields just over sixty talks. And even at that former level, we provide more talks than most—if not all—other in-person Amateur Radio conventions in the world.  Our events provide a means of “convening:” gathering to converse, learn, exchange information, and renew old friendships.

Feedback was positive.  “Great content.”  “Interesting presentations.” “Often, so many that I wanted to attend were at the same time.”  Since the repeat presentations worked out so well, we’re looking at working a number of Friday-Saturday, Saturday-Sunday, and Friday-Sunday repeats into next year’s schedule.

Two other programs this year were rousing successes. We increased the Friday workshops from two to six. And we had live displays of EMCOM trailers in the parking lot. In 2024 we’ll build on these successes.

The Programs Committee will re-convene in early November to start work on HamXposition 2024 and will issue its first request for proposed talks shortly thereafter.  Yes, we’re looking for new committee members;  contact Skip Youngberg, K1NKR, at K1NKR@hamxposition.org.

As was the case this year, talks will be sought at the introductory, general and advanced level.  Next year’s topic areas will generally be the same as 2023:  Antennas and Propagation;  EMCOM, Public Service, and Traffic;  History, Invention, and Reinvention;  League Division, and Section;  On-The-Air (SOTA, POTA, JOTA, LHOTA, TDOTA, and any on-the-air activity you can imagine), including contesting and DXing;  Technical;  and Training and Education.  There’s immense talent and achievement in our six-state area.  Consider being a HamXposition 2024 speaker.