HamXposition Promotion at Algonquin ARC Flea Market

HamXposition volunteers were out in force to promote the Northeast HamXposition (“HamX”) on February 15, 2025, at the local Algonquin Amateur Radio Club Flea Market in Marlborough, Massachusetts. Around 300 people attended the annual flea market, and many interacted with the convention volunteers, watched a photo carousel on a large computer monitor from last year’s HamXposition, and picked up flyers and business cards promoting the convention. 

The Northeast HamXposition in run by FEMARA, Inc., and hosts the ARRL New England Division Convention.  

HamXposition table at Algonquin Flea Market
L-R: Barbara Irby, KC1KGS; Phil Temples, K9HI; Skip Youngberg, K1NKR; Bob DeMattia, K1IW

MMRA “Turns Out in Force” at HamXposition

The Minuteman Repeater Association, an Eastern Massachusetts-based non-profit organization providing communications infrastructure and volunteers for community and emergency events since 1971, was active at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition on a number of fronts. Their September 2024 newsletter, The Minuteman, contains a nice recap of their activities.


MMRA HamX story

MMRA newsletter pg 2

Invite Your Imaginary Friends

Best Western Hotel signYour imaginary friends will enjoy attending the 2024 Northeast HamXposition on February 22-25 at the Best Western in Marlborough, MA.  We encourage you to bring your real friends, too, of course.


Great Publicity For HamXposition from CKUT 90.3 “International Radio Report”

CKUT International Radio Report collage pictureThe August 18, 2024 edition of “International Radio Report” contained a nice publicity piece for HamXposition. The show is carried on CKUT 90.3, at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. International Radio Report is a half ­hour weekly show about radio broadcasting locally and internationally. 

The program can be streamed at https://ckut.ca/playlists/IR . Look for the August 18 archive issue. Click “Listen” or “Download.” The HamXposition piece is mentioned at 26 min. 00 sec. into the stream.