WinterFest 2024, Whitman MA, January 20, 2024

WinterFest 2024
Saturday Jan 20, 2024 9 am to 1 pm
Vendor setup at 7 am
The First-Best Ham-Fest of the Year!

Whitman Amateur Radio Club
K of C Hall Rt. 18 Whitman MA
$5 entry fee with Raffle Prizes (drawn at noon)
VE testing sessions for Tech/General/Extra

Talk-In on the Whitman club repeater: 147.225 MHz +pl67

For vendors to purchase tables ($15/ea)
Use Paypal or Credit Card

Name (and optional) Callsign
Phone Number
PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!

Or send a check to:

The Whitman Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 48 Whitman, MA 02382

Be sure to include name/callsign/ph# w/your payment
Table cost: $15/ea
(no refunds unless event cancelled)
Questions call: 781-523-5010

Winterfest 2024 Flyer

QRPme 2024 LIVE Stream Buildathon #1

QRPme logoW1REX and friends will be hosting a LIVE streamed BUILDATHON over three nights, starting at the end of January.

Three sessions will be held on Sunday, January 28; Wednesday, January 31; and the following Sunday, February 4, centered around building a Tuna Tin 2 40th Anniversary kit. In previous LIVE streamed BUILDATHONS, we have been limited in trying to cram an entire BUILDATHON in a two- or three-hour time slot. The builds were done rather quickly in order to fit everything into the single session with little time for in-depth discussion on the what and why. This BUILDATHON will be much different.  Each session will focus on a different aspect of the process. 

Sunday January 28 4PM EST

Objectives: WHY QRP, TT2 circuit operation, parts identification & sorting, soldering techniques and practice.

We will be talking about all the above stuff then ending with soldering practice, building a couple of elementary pieces of QRP test equipment useful after your successful completion of the 40th Anniversary Tuna Tin 2 kit. Lots of time to cover these topics with Q&A encouraged. Additions to the 40th Anniversary kit will include parts & PCB for a simple straight key, dummy load and RF probe. These three items are much simpler than the actual TT2 transmitter so easier to build. They will make good starting points for those learning to solder, YET very useful when checking out your completed Tuna Tin 2 transmitter.

Wednesday January 31 8PM EST

Objectives: BUILDING a QRP kit!

Since you now know ‘everything’ about the Tuna Tin 2 design and how to solder, we get to work and actually BUILD the kit. With 37 total parts, this TT2 kit is a relatively simple to build and should be able to be completed in one evening. We will take it slow and since this session is not in another event’s  time window, we should be able to take it slowly so that everyone should be able to keep up, now that you are ALL experienced solderers.

Sunday February 4 5PM EST

Objectives: Getting everyone’s kit up & running and testing its performance.

We will have the whole session devoted to getting EVERYONE’s kit completed and running as expected. We will learn how to use the key, dummy load and RF Probe to debug and check transmitter performance.  We will be LIVE streaming this BUILDATHON from Stephen, N1SH, Houser’s QTH and will have plenty of time each evening to get through the objectives. It will be broadcast on my YouTube account (Rex Harper)  and on Charlie “Red” Brown, NJ7V, (Red Summit RF) Podcast channel. All three sessions will be archived on those sites immediately after their broadcast, so latecomers will be able to review any missed material. Times will be 4 PM EST for the Sunday sessions and 8 PM EST for the Wednesday session.

All kits will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail, so US and Canada orders should have ample time to arrive on time. DX orders are a little iffy, unless they are ordered ASAP.

Stay tuned to this product page for more information. I will be posting lots of pre-Buildathon information before the first session. 

Website: Buildathon page:

Hope to see you there!

Rex, W1REX

Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP), April 8, 2024: A NASA Supported Citizen Science Event

Bruce Tinkler, N9JBT, writes on the New England Sci-Tech ARS mailing list:

“Join thousands of other operators for a fun, friendly HF competition with a unique goal:  Increasing our understanding of how the ionosphere works.”

April 8th, 2024 during the total solar eclipse.  Operate CW, SSB, FT4/8, even WSPR and FST4W.

Information at

Please bookmark this page and join the HamSCI eclipse mailing list for future announcements related to the HamSCI FoEIS.

[Stanley Pozerski, KD1LE, presented on “HamSCI Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science” at the 2023 Northeast HamXposition.]


HamSCI Eclipse logo

Collegiate Clubs

The Northeast HamXposition and New England ARRL Convention would be delighted to have more collegiate clubs at this year’s convention.  Our goal is to attract more youth of any age into amateur radio, but also to highlight the local colleges that have amateur radio clubs and perhaps interest youth in staying in the hobby through their college years.  [Full story]

“Gerry’s Ham Radio Life: 48 Years of W1VE”

Gerry Hull, W1VEYouTube video blogger Kevin Thomas, W1DED, interviewed Gerry Hull, W1VE, recently:

“There are many hams who can claim five decades of amateur radio but there are few who have been immersed in so many facets of the hobby as Gerry Hull, W1VE. Gerry is active throughout his native Canada with several VE callsigns, he’s well known for his expertise in the remote ham radio space, he’s consulted for and operated the AA7JV Radio-in-a-Box project, and was instrumental in creating the online contest scoreboard concept. He’s a competitive contester, consummate DXer, technical writer, a long-time member of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club, and more. In this interview, Gerry talks specifically about his recent CQ WW CW multi-op contest effort at the Maine superstation, K1LZ, and then we do a speed round of questions that cover some of his nearly 50 years in ham radio.”

[Gerry was Co-Chair of the 2023 Northeast HamXposition special event station W1A.] 

VE2DX Electronics Featured in Canada Ventures

Richard Desaulniers, VE2DX, of VE2DX Electronics, one of the 2023 Northeast HamXposition vendors, was prominently featured in Canada Startup and Venture News, in an article entitled “Which Quebec Electronics Startups are Influencing Canada’s Tech Industry in 2023?” 

“Today’s article is all about Canadian innovation, as we spotlight some of the most exciting startups in the province of Quebec. Concentrating on the electronics industry, these companies are at the forefront of technological advancements, from AI developments to urban air mobility. Dive in to discover 15 remarkable Canadian startups making waves in the electronics world.

“These startups are not just technologically impressive – they’re also diverse in their fields of focus. Covering sectors like cannabis, audio, health care, electric vehicles, water purification, and more, these emerging companies underscore how technology has truly diffused into every facet of life and industry. Feast your eyes on the future, unfolding right now in Quebec.”

[Full story]

FARA Fest, Bourne, November 4, 2023

Image of flea market crowd at FARA-Fest[Ed. note: Falmouth ARA displayed its EmComm Van at the 2023 Northeast HamXposition.]


The Falmouth ARA FARA Fest will be held on November 3, 2023 at the Upper Cape Cod Regional Vocational School in Bourne, MA. The Fest provides and opportunity for local hams to buy, sell, or swap items of interest to amateur radio operators. VE license exam sessions are also held as part of the Fest. Flyers are distributed and available on this site prior to each annual FARA Fest.

The Board of Directors has set the following official guidelines for FARA FEST.

Outside Spaces are $10.00 per space. All vendors will be given a placard to display, bring your own table.

Indoor spaces are $10.00 per TABLE, we supply the table. All vendors will be given a placard to display.

General admission is $5.00, children under 14 free

[Full Details]