“Gerry’s Ham Radio Life: 48 Years of W1VE”

Gerry Hull, W1VEYouTube video blogger Kevin Thomas, W1DED, interviewed Gerry Hull, W1VE, recently:

“There are many hams who can claim five decades of amateur radio but there are few who have been immersed in so many facets of the hobby as Gerry Hull, W1VE. Gerry is active throughout his native Canada with several VE callsigns, he’s well known for his expertise in the remote ham radio space, he’s consulted for and operated the AA7JV Radio-in-a-Box project, and was instrumental in creating the online contest scoreboard concept. He’s a competitive contester, consummate DXer, technical writer, a long-time member of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club, and more. In this interview, Gerry talks specifically about his recent CQ WW CW multi-op contest effort at the Maine superstation, K1LZ, and then we do a speed round of questions that cover some of his nearly 50 years in ham radio.”


[Gerry was Co-Chair of the 2023 Northeast HamXposition special event station W1A.] 

VE2DX Electronics Featured in Canada Ventures

Richard Desaulniers, VE2DX, of VE2DX Electronics, one of the 2023 Northeast HamXposition vendors, was prominently featured in Canada Startup and Venture News, in an article entitled “Which Quebec Electronics Startups are Influencing Canada’s Tech Industry in 2023?” 

“Today’s article is all about Canadian innovation, as we spotlight some of the most exciting startups in the province of Quebec. Concentrating on the electronics industry, these companies are at the forefront of technological advancements, from AI developments to urban air mobility. Dive in to discover 15 remarkable Canadian startups making waves in the electronics world.

“These startups are not just technologically impressive – they’re also diverse in their fields of focus. Covering sectors like cannabis, audio, health care, electric vehicles, water purification, and more, these emerging companies underscore how technology has truly diffused into every facet of life and industry. Feast your eyes on the future, unfolding right now in Quebec.”

[Full story]

FARA Fest, Bourne, November 4, 2023

Image of flea market crowd at FARA-Fest[Ed. note: Falmouth ARA displayed its EmComm Van at the 2023 Northeast HamXposition.]

From ema.arrl.org:

The Falmouth ARA FARA Fest will be held on November 3, 2023 at the Upper Cape Cod Regional Vocational School in Bourne, MA. The Fest provides and opportunity for local hams to buy, sell, or swap items of interest to amateur radio operators. VE license exam sessions are also held as part of the Fest. Flyers are distributed and available on this site prior to each annual FARA Fest.

The Board of Directors has set the following official guidelines for FARA FEST.

Outside Spaces are $10.00 per space. All vendors will be given a placard to display, bring your own table.

Indoor spaces are $10.00 per TABLE, we supply the table. All vendors will be given a placard to display.

General admission is $5.00, children under 14 free

[Full Details]

Nashua Area Radio Society Ham Bootcamp, November 11, 2023

Nashua Area Radio Society QSL logo[Ed. note: NARS is responsible for the terrific Amateur Radio Expo at HamXposition each year.]

From nediv.arrl.org:

The Nashua Area Radio Society (NARS) will host their Ham Bootcamp program on November 11, 2023, from 10 AM to 6 PM ET. This program includes a series of online demonstrations and tutorials designed to help newly licensed Technician, General, and Amateur Extra class license holders get on the air. It’s available to all licensed and prospective amateur radio operators.

Visit NARS’s Ham Bootcamp program web page to register and for additional information.

HamXposition Marketing & Promotion Subcommittee Formed

Phil Temples, K9HI
Phil Temples, K9HI

Phil Temples, K9HI, who had chaired the Northeast HamXposition Programs Subcommittee has taken on a different role: building and chairing a new Marketing & Promotion Subcommittee.

Phil has gathered a team of current and new volunteers for this endeavor. The new committee will focus on publicizing the convention among amateurs and the general public; recruiting new vendors, and soliciting funding through advertisements, grants, and other means.

Skip Youngberg, K1NKR, has agreed to serve as Chair of the Programs Subcommittee replacing K9HI in that leadership role.

New England QRP CW Net to Resume on Wednesday Nights

Greg Algieri, WA1JXR, writes on the NEQRP mailing list on Octobrer 19, 2023:

Hello fellow New England QRP Club Members. With the passing of Chuck K1CL(SK) the NEQRP CW net has not been active. I am revitalizing the NEQRP Weekly CW HF Net.

The net will be every Wednesday at 8PM local time on frequency of 3.566 MHz +/- QRM.

I will call the net to order by calling “CQ NEQRP.” I will ask for check-ins with a “QNI?” Call in with a “de” followed by your call sign.

The CW speed will be 15 WPM, but I can slow down if desired. Call in at the speed you would like me to respond at.

I will create a list of check-ins and we will do a round table QSO of the list.

All ham radio operators are welcome. You do not need to be a NEQRP member.

Hope to see you all on Wednesday night,

72, Greg WA1JXR 

Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, Steps Down as HamXposition Exam Coordinator

Bruce Anderson, W1LUS
Bruce Anderson, W1LUS

Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, announced on September 29, 2023, that he is stepping down after serving twenty-three years as Exam Coordinator for the Northeast HamXposition. Bruce is one of the longest-serving members of the committee and can trace his lineage back through all the “Marlboro” years and more than half of the Boxboro conventions.

Each year, Bruce has organized teams to conduct Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning exam sessions at the convention. Bruce is responsible for countless individuals earning their tickets at a Boxboro or Marlboro event.

“Thank you for your 23 years of service (yikes!) to the convention,” wrote FEMARA Vice President Bob DeMattia, K1IW.

“We’ve been working this convention for a very long time together. I’ll miss you! We’ll all miss you!” replied FEMARA President and ARRL First Vice President Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF.

“I’ve been on the committee for only a short while compared to you,” wrote Phil Temples, K9HI, Marketing & Promotion Subcommittee Chairperson, “but your name and call are synonymous with VE testing at Boxbo … uh … I mean, HamXposition.” 😉

Bruce has asked Ron Rothman, the ARRL VE Liaison for the Minuteman Repeater Association’s team to serve in his stead as Exam Coordinator.

FEMARA and the Northeast HamXposition wishes to express its gratitude to Bruce for his hard work over the years and hopes that he stays in touch.

Nutmeg Hamfest / ARRL Connecticut State Convention, October 8, 2023

copy of Nutmeg Hamfest flyerMark your calendars for the Nutmeg Hamfest / ARRL Connecticut State Convention, October 8, 2023, at the BestWestern Plus Hotel, 201 Washington Avenue, North Haven, CT 06473.

Gates open 6:00 AM for Tailgating and Inside Vendor Setup

New!  Earlier opening — Building open 8AM to 2PM for the general public

Talk-in  147.36 R, +600, PL 162.2

General Admission $10.00, Under 12 free

Tailgating $15.00 per space

Inside Tables $25.00 each — $20 if paid by 9/10/23

For complete information, visit https://www.nutmeghamfest.com.