RadioCraft a Big Hit at “Geek is Glam” Girl Scout Event

Joe Fitzgerald, KM1P, shared on the New England Sci-Tech mailing list:

Mike Radz writes:

Dear Colleagues:

I have attached seven pictures from the “Geek is Glam” Girl Scout event held at WPI this past Saturday. My IQP team staffed a booth and offered the girls two STEM/HAM related activities: Morse code and Minecraft.

The former activity utilized Morse code kits from NEST as well as some circuitry built by the students that enabled the Girl Scouts to see the letters associated with the dots and dashes they tapped show up on a computer screen (this shown in the pics).

The later activity utilized a new “mod” that has been created for Minecraft that enables a player to build a HAM radio communication network within the game. It is in beta testing mode right now, but the WPI kids contacted the creator and arranged to get a copy to showcase at the event.

Finally, the kids created a QR code that took each Girl Scout to a survey instrument at which they could specify which activity they preferred. I have not yet seen the survey results, but the WPI kids will develop a “curriculum” based on the most popular activity and test to see whether or not it statistically influences youngsters to re-evaluate their views on STEM in a positive way.


Mike Radz

[The Minecraft radio mod “RadioCraft” made its official debut at the 2023 Northeast HamXposition. -K9HI]

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Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, Steps Down as HamXposition Exam Coordinator

Bruce Anderson, W1LUS
Bruce Anderson, W1LUS

Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, announced on September 29, 2023, that he is stepping down after serving twenty-three years as Exam Coordinator for the Northeast HamXposition. Bruce is one of the longest-serving members of the committee and can trace his lineage back through all the “Marlboro” years and more than half of the Boxboro conventions.

Each year, Bruce has organized teams to conduct Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning exam sessions at the convention. Bruce is responsible for countless individuals earning their tickets at a Boxboro or Marlboro event.

“Thank you for your 23 years of service (yikes!) to the convention,” wrote FEMARA Vice President Bob DeMattia, K1IW.

“We’ve been working this convention for a very long time together. I’ll miss you! We’ll all miss you!” replied FEMARA President and ARRL First Vice President Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF.

“I’ve been on the committee for only a short while compared to you,” wrote Phil Temples, K9HI, Marketing & Promotion Subcommittee Chairperson, “but your name and call are synonymous with VE testing at Boxbo … uh … I mean, HamXposition.” 😉

Bruce has asked Ron Rothman, the ARRL VE Liaison for the Minuteman Repeater Association’s team to serve in his stead as Exam Coordinator.

FEMARA and the Northeast HamXposition wishes to express its gratitude to Bruce for his hard work over the years and hopes that he stays in touch.

Nutmeg Hamfest / ARRL Connecticut State Convention, October 8, 2023

copy of Nutmeg Hamfest flyerMark your calendars for the Nutmeg Hamfest / ARRL Connecticut State Convention, October 8, 2023, at the BestWestern Plus Hotel, 201 Washington Avenue, North Haven, CT 06473.

Gates open 6:00 AM for Tailgating and Inside Vendor Setup

New!  Earlier opening — Building open 8AM to 2PM for the general public

Talk-in  147.36 R, +600, PL 162.2

General Admission $10.00, Under 12 free

Tailgating $15.00 per space

Inside Tables $25.00 each — $20 if paid by 9/10/23

For complete information, visit

NEAR-Fest, Deerfield NH, October 13-14, 2023

The New England Amateur Radio Festival (NEAR-Fest) will be held Friday October 13 and Saturday, October 14 at the Deerfield, New Hampshire, Fairgrounds. Besides the flea market, we will have a full slate of forums during the day on Friday. While we encourage everyone to attend the show, the forums will also be available to view on-line for those who cannot be present. The schedule (subject to change) can be viewed at: Details for viewing on line will appear the day before.

Further details on NEAR-Fest can be found at:

More Vendors!

It’s the most received comment and feedback we get.  “Where are the vendors?”

We’re working hard to bring back some of the old vendors who didn’t come in 2023. Plus, we’re working to recruit new ones.

It’s not easy—for a number of reasons. We hear from our vendors that:

  • Overall sales are down
  • We can’t find enough people to staff a booth
  • Your gate numbers aren’t large enough to justify our time and expense

The latter point is a bit of a “chicken and egg” dilemma. We need more attendees to attract the top-notch vendors. But we also need those vendors in order to bring in the masses.

You can believe that the committee is working on the problem diligently and we’ve come up with some creative ideas. In the meantime, we thank our loyal vendors who continue with us, even in this post-COVID era. Vendors like:

  • Quicksilver Radio
  • Gold Metal Ideas
  • N3ZN Keys

Look for marked improvement in this area in 2024!

“Where’s W1A?”

One frustrated attendee asked, “Where is W1A?”

Our friend wandered around the hotel looking for the station and asked numerous people, but no one seemed able to direct him to the location of the special events station.

Admittedly, the signage directing people to W1A was lacking. As mentioned in the program book, the station was tucked away in the Corporate Room (E7) off one of the side hallways.  (See diagram below.)

The hours posted in the program booklet were:

  • Friday: 6 pm — midnight
  • Saturday: 9 am — midnight
  • Sunday: 9 am — noon

Sometime on Saturday mid-afternoon when the gentleman finally did find the station’s location, the door was locked and no one was staffing the station.

We deeply regret the fact that none of the volunteers were present at W1A during the advertised hours when our friend wanted to visit. We’ll try to make sure there isn’t a repeat of this problem next year.

Map of East Wing with Corporate room marked

Celebrating 50 Years of the ARRL Foundation

[The FEMARA Scholarship is administered by the ARRL Foundation.]

ARRL Foundation 50th Anniversary logo09/22/2023 – Thursday, September 21, 2023, marked 50 years since the ARRL Foundation was formed. As a partner with ARRL, the ARRL Foundation stewards philanthropic support for amateur radio through scholarships, club grants, and other programs to ensure a strong and vibrant future for the avocation.

The total assets of the nonprofit entity measured nearly $8M at its most recent annual audit, but it grew from humble beginnings. In September 1973, several members of the ARRL Board of Directors worked to establish the charity. Larry Shima, W0PAN, was the Director of the ARRL Dakota Division at the time and did a lot of work to get the Foundation started. Shima is very pleased with the Foundation’s success, stating, “We started off with $1,000, and just look at it now!”

Shima says the original intent was to support future generations of radio amateurs. At the time, space and satellite communications were cutting-edge, and they were the focus of ARRL Foundation activities, though scholarships were also high on the list. “I was thrilled when I got the recent issue of QST that had the photos of the scholarship recipients in it. That is exactly what it was intended to do; we wanted to provide scholarships for young people,” he said.

Gifts from generous donors support The ARRL Foundation, but it also works to help other charitable groups extend their reach. In an address to donors delivered over the summer, ARRL Foundation President David Norris, K5UZ, highlighted a recent grant the Foundation received. “The recent support the Foundation has received from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, or ARDC, has been transformational. We have been able to dramatically increase the funding of scholarships through their generosity and are working through a program of club grants, where more than $500,000 was distributed to clubs looking to take on new projects or sustain their organizations – and to share their learning with others,” he told the crowd.

Shima was just 35 when the ARRL Foundation was formed. He is the only surviving founding member of the Foundation Board. Fifty years later, he believes that hams who have done well in life have an obligation to support amateur radio by giving generously to ARRL and the ARRL Foundation. Ongoing financial support enables ARRL to promote and protect amateur radio while our Foundation supports the future generations of hams.

That generous support will have a tangible reach. More than 100 scholarships, ranging from $500 to $25,000, will be awarded in 2024. Thank you to the many donors for making this work possible, and congratulations to the numerous scholarship recipients who have benefited from their generosity.

To learn more about the ARRL Foundation, please visit the Foundation website at To learn how to make amateur radio a part of your charitable giving, contact the ARRL Development Office at

Regarding “Food Trucks”

Several attendees have indicated that they would like more food choices while at the Convention. One question that is asked repeatedly: “Could you arrange to have food trucks in the parking lot?”

This has been a sore point of contention for many attendees. The Committee has reached out to the hotel to request permission to have a food truck but so far they have been unsuccessful in convincing the hotel to allow it. We’ll continue to explore this and other alternatives going forward.

Unlike Boxboro, however, there are food venues practically within walking distance of the convention.

Cigarette Smoke Near the Vendor Hall Door

We received a complaint from one of the vendors situated near one of the outside doors of a strong tobacco odor. One of our HamXposition Committee members noticed this problem, too. Next year we will request people smoke further away from the exit!

Friday Programming

The results of the 2022 survey indicated that Friday attendance was poor, in part, because people felt there was little of interest offered.

What a difference a year can make! We now officially start the outdoor flea market on Friday at 12 noon. (In previous years, it officially started on Saturday morning, even though folks showed up Friday to sell their wares.)

In addition, we’ve “beefed up” the Friday programming substantially. This year we featured a whopping six indoor workshops and talks! The big draws included the nanoVNA and MESH Node Kit Build workshops. We hope to feature even more next year.