HamXposition 2024 Kicks Off With Comedy!

Juston McKenny
Juston McKinney

Start your convention visit off on a laugh with the newest addition to our HamXposition line up! We’re pleased to announce that the 2024 Northeast HamXposition will kick off with a comedy at by world-renowned comedian Juston McKinney.

Juston has starred in numerous Comedy Central shows including his half-hour Comedy Central Presents and his one-hour special “Juston McKinney-A Middle-Class Hole.” He has multiple appearances on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien as well as a Showtime Special with Rob Gronkowski. He has also appeared twice at Denis Leary’s, Comics Come Home at the TD Garden. 

Tickets are just $35, and also available as part of our “Convention Plus” package.

Seating will be limited to 250 persons, so don’t delay!

We Welcome Your Feedback!

We’ve received much feedback and constructive criticism of this year’s HamXposition. We will try to incorporate as many ideas as possible to improve HamXposition in 2024. You may email the individual committee members, or visit our testimonial page to leave feedback.

Club Track at Northeast HamXposition

Bruce Blain, K1BG, writes:

Thanks for attending the “Club Track” at HamXposition last weekend.  Feedback has been very positive!

I want to thank the following people for their presentations:

Bruce Blain, K1BG, Nashoba Valley ARC – Guerilla Marketing: Finding contacts, creating email lists mailings / CRM tips.

David Tessitore, K1DT, Providence Radio Association – Marketing your Club.

Chris Ranney, WA1CMR, Falmouth ARA – Getting New Hams Active – How a “radio” library can help.

George Allison, K1IG, PART of Westford – Making Your Club Relevant and Fun.

Phil Temples, K9HI – Overview of WordPress website options.

Brandon Hockle, NQ1W, Cape Ann ARA – Radio Club Rejuvenated: What we did at Cape Ann ARA and what might work for your club.

Nancy Austin, KC1NEK, SM/RI and Rowan Eggert, WO1P, SYC/RI – Leveraging the biannual ARRL School Roundup in the New England Division as a new youth force multiplier follow up to Winter Field Day and JOTA.

If anyone is interest in any of the presentations, reply to this email and I will send you a copy or copies.

Thanks again.  I hope we can do it again in 2025!



Providence Radio Association Hosts W1XPO “Get On The Air” at Northeast HamXposition

Vic Farmer writes on the Providence Radio Association Facebook page:
At the 2024 Northeast HamXposition, [the Providence Radio Association] W1OP hosted W1XPO, an On the Air demonstration with a working  Icom 7300 SSB station, where walkins could get on the air time and coaching help. 
On Saturday,  the team additionally operated the WW Digi contest as W1XPO/1. They linked into HQ as a remote client direct from the Best Western Expo Site.   Listed as a multi op single station . . . over 18 operators participated.  They remotely operated via internet, a K3 transceiver into a 135ft Doublet, ladder line fed into a balun. 

Grand Prizes Awarded at 2024 Northeast HamXposition

Congratulations to the grand prize winners at the 2024 Northeast HamXpositon!

Joseph F. Del Guidice, K1CR, of Cranston, Rhode Island, was the lucky winner of the combination SteppIR SDA 100 Controller and PreppIR 20m-6m Portable, Quick Deploy Dipole System by SteppIR. 

2024 1st Grand Prize


The 2nd Grand Prize award, an Icom IC-705 QRP all-in-one transceiver 160m to 70cm + D-Star, went to Yuri V. Dogadaev, UT1EE, from Ukraine.

Icom IC-705 image


Gary E. Schultzbert, KC1HGC, of North Uxbridge, MA, won the 3rd Grand Prize: a Xiegu X6100 QRP HF/6m transceiver.

Xiegu X6100 Qrp HF/6m transceiver


The Fourth Grand Prize was awarded to James E Dalton, II, KB5RBY, of Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire. James won a Icom ID-50A VHF/UHF/D-Star HT.

Icom ID-50A VHF/UHF/D-Star HT


Congratulations to these amateurs and those in attendance Sunday afternoon who won many, many door prizes given away.

New England Club Newsletter Award 2024

1st, 2nd, 3rd place icons for Newsletter contestFrom nediv.arrl.org:

Earlier this year, during one of the regular HamXposition meetings, Bruce, K1BG, and Larry, W1AST [the Eastern and Western MA Affiliated Club Coordinators, respectively] were talking about doing some sort of club-centric meetings From that discussion came the Clubs Forum which occurred Friday at the 2024 HamXpo.

Most of us know that clubs are the backbone of a healthy and active ham radio community. An active club most often has a newsletter that members get every month informing them of club activities and ham radio events. From this, we created the Club Newsletter Award.

Any club in New England could enter and was encouraged to do so. Newsletters would be ranked on design, layout, and information. The judge would be someone outside of New England. The top three newsletters would then be able to post the appropriate logo on their newsletters for the next year. The newsletter had to be from the second quarter of 2024 and submitted by July 5th.

The top 3 club newsletters would then NOT be able to submit again the following year, giving other clubs a chance to win the award.

[Full story]

Massachusetts Governor Healey Confers Citation to ARRL on the 100th Anniversary of the New England Division Convention

A signed official Citation from Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey and Lt. Governor Kimberly Driscoll to mark the ARRL New England Division Convention’s 100th anniversary was among the special events highlighted at the Northeast HamXposition.

ARRL Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, presented the Citation to those attending the Convention’s Saturday evening Grand Banquet:

“On behalf of the residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I am pleased to confer upon you this Governor’s Citation in recognition of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) New England Division Convention, held this year in Marlborough, and in deep gratitude to the approximately 13,000 amateur radio operators in the Commonwealth, who dedicate their time, knowledge, and equipment to assist their communities,” it read.


Photo of MA Gov. Healy's 100th Anniversary Citation