APRS Talk at 2024 Northeast HamXposition

APRS US mapDon’t miss “Everything You wanted to know about APRS but were afraid to ask” by Gary Thomas, AA1UE, at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition and see why APRS is more relevant today than ever. 

Falmouth Amateur Radio Association Emergency Communications Trailer on Exhibit at 2024 Northeast HamXposition

Members of the Falmouth (MA) Amateur Radio Association will once again have their impressive “Community Communications Support Vehicle” on exhibit at HamXposition. The trailer will be just one of over a half dozen vans, trailers, and vehicles on public display in the parking lot adjacent to the flea market.

See and hear what it takes to put together a well-organized communications command post!

RadioCraft Mod for Minecraft at 2024 HamXposition

Youths playing RadiocraftDon’t miss the Radiocraft for Minecraft workshop and presentation at this year’s Northeast HamXposition by Lucas Elliott, W1BTR. RadioCraft is a ham radio mod for MineCraft, the most popular online game of all time. This mod enables a full-featured simulation of ham radio, including multi-band transceivers, antennas, solar panels, power supplies, and coax.

“What’s Noise?”

x-y chart of site noise Don’t miss the presentation “What’s Noise?” by Greg Bonaguide, WA1VUG, one of many talks at the 2024 Northeast Hamxposition on August 22-25, 2024.

Greg will present an introduction to noise–what it is, how it affects us, noise in our equipment–and maybe what we can do about it. His participation in New England’s VHF-and-Above conferences is a perennial favorite.

FEMA Disaster Communications Talk at 2024 HamXposition

FEMA iconLearn about FEMA Disaster Communications from FEMA Emergency Management Specialist Mike Corey, KI1U. Mike is an emergency management professional with over 20 years experience in local, state, federal and non-profit sectors. He will share his knowledge and expertise with attendees at the 2024 Northeast Hamxposition.

Nashua Area Radio Society Amateur Radio Exhibition at 2024 HamXposition

We are very pleased to announce that the Nashua Area Radio Society (NARS), will once again be presenting an Amateur Radio Exposition at HamXposition. This exposition will include many hands-on activities, videos, and displays about amateur radio and wireless
communications, including:
NARS Youth Exposition Display at Boxboro

  • Software Defined Radios
  • High-Altitude Balloons
  • Portable and Mobile stations
  • Emergency Communications
  • Satellite and Space Communications
  • Fox-hunting