Kim Peck, WA1PBU, will present “The Highs and Lows of Aeronautical Mobile Operation,” the lowdown on mobile operation from light aircraft, at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition. #hamxposition
SKYWARN Spotter Class to be Offered at 2024 HamXposition
Don’t miss the SKYWARN Spotter training class offered by the National Weather Service Boston/Norton office, at the Northeast HamXposition on Friday, August 23, 2024. It will be taught by ARES SKYWARN Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY.
“VarAC—Basic and Advanced Uses” at 2024 Northeast HamXposition
VarAC is a keyboard-to-keyboard communication tool using VARA, a high-performance HF software modem for fast, error free transmission. It is seeing rising acceptance and incorporation as an important new tool for EmComm use. This presentation by Rory Griffin, W4RJG, at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition will get you started with the setup and use of VarAC.
“Spy” Radios and Secret Clandestine Communications
Mike Crestohl, W1RC, and Tom Perera, W1TP, will present at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition their ever popular presentation and discussion about secret radio communications and related equipment used during the Second World War and afterwards. This includes the German Enigma and other forms of mechanical cryptography.
Tom Perera , Ph.D., W1TP, is a retired professor of neuroscience. He has been a ham radio operator for 70 years specializing in the history of telegraph keys and Enigma cipher machines. He has given hundreds of lectures on these topics at hamfests, clubs and conventions.
Michael Crestohl, W1RC, a.k.a. “MisterMike,” is a well-known collector and restorer of “spy radio” equipment.
“Digital Voice—Seven Years Later” at HamXposition
Come and hear a presentation by Rick Zach, KK1RZ, entitled “Digital Voice—Seven Years Later” at the 2024 HamXposition.
In the past few years, Digital Voice has gone from “I couldn’t find a single club with experience using it” to “I have a hard time finding a club that does not use it.” But just what is “it” and how many of those “its” are out there? Join Rick (and maybe a few friends) for an extended review of what’s happening in the digital voice modes. What may seem to be a cacophony of alphabet soup is actually ham radio at its best—exploring the technology and capabilities of numerous modulations and protocols.
“HamJam” at 2024 HamXposition
Get ready to rock out at HamXposition! It’s the Saturday night “HamJam,” hosted by Stephen Nickerson, N1BUS. The jam session may go into some long blues improvisations, spontaneous rock, blues, or folkie directions, but we also offer chords and lyrics for fun, but not-too-difficult songs for those who might want to practice playing or singing.
“Powerline RFI Hunting On the Go”
Rob Leiden, K1UI, will present “Powerline RFI Hunting On the Go,” case studies involving finding power line RFI using laptop PCs, an HF transceiver, and an inexpensive GPS unit at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition.
Introductory and Advanced FLDIGI Configuration and Usage
If you’re a digital operator, you won’t want to miss “Introductory and Advanced FLDIGI Configuration and Usage” by Don Rolf, AB1PH, at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition. Don will discuss how FLDIGI is used in emergency communications, and the basic configuration of FLDIGI, FLMSG, and FLAMP, along with the important points to consider when using FLDIGI in nets.
How the MARCONI Program Can Grow Your Club
Ed Snyder, W1YSM, will present on “Motivating Amateur Radio Clubs to Open New Initiatives” (MARCONI) at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition. MARCONI is a program designed to grow your club and help grow less active clubs in your area. It is composed of nine projects that provide multiple areas of interest, increase club enthusiasm, recruit new members, and help revitalize clubs that are failing to grow.
Registrations Now Open for Mini Contest University
The Northeast HamXposition and New England Division Convention is proud to announce a major addition to its program for 2024.
“Mini-Contest University,” or mini-CTU, based on K3LR’s popular Contest University, has been featured at the Dayton Hamvention since 2007 and has been presented in 15 countries to over 10,000 participants, is a series of contest-oriented talks and presentations offered at HamXposition on Friday. Interested participants may attend free of charge. Registration is now open. A preliminary agenda is now available.
Door prizes will include gift certificates, courtesy DX Engineering, and an autographed copy of the ARRL’s popular Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners book written by Doug Grant, K1DG.