W1XPO/1 Participation in the 2024 World Wide Digi DX Contest

The Northeast HamXposition’s station, W1XPO, was active on the air in several scenarios during the 2024 convention weekend.  In addition to the official Get On The Air (“GOTA”) event at the hotel, several Parks On The Air activations in Connecticut were conducted. W1XPO was also QRV from the hotel as a remote digital contest station in the WW Digi DX Contest.
According to Providence Radio Association‘s Vic Farmer, NE1Y: “[We ran] remote from W1XPO/1 to W1OP HQ, in the Multi-Operator Single-Transmitter Low-Power category and finished #1 in the United States 1st Call Area, #3 North America, and #9 in the World.”
Kudos again to the PRA gang for showcasing Amateur Radio at the convention!
W1XPO 2024 World Wide Digi DX Contest

“POTA Adventures at the Northeast HamXposition”

POTA Adventures at the Northeast HamXposition: Conrad, Peter, and Brian’s Exciting Weekend
The Northeast HamXposition, held in Marlborough, Massachusetts, from August 22nd to 25th, was a weekend filled with ham radio activities, presentations, and special events. For Conrad Trautmann (N2YCH), Peter Cimino (K1PCN), and Brian Horne (N1BAM), it was a memorable event that blended education with the thrill of Parks on the Air (POTA) activations.
Conrad and Peter, along with Shawn Warren (KC1NQE), delivered a joint presentation on the evolution of the Connecticut Parks on the Air (CT-POTA) Activators Group on Saturday afternoon. Given the presentation topic, permissions were granted for them to activate some parks over the weekend using the special event call sign W1XPO, the official call of FEMARA.
Activating a park is always fun, but using a special event call sign like W1XPO added an extra level of excitement. Conrad mentioned, “Everyone wants to try and get you, which usually means a good pile-up!”
Peter and Conrad started early on Friday, mapping out parks to visit before the main event. Their first stop was Bigelow Hollow State Park (US-1648) in Union, Connecticut. With some helpful advice from Shawn, who had activated there before, they set up near Bigelow Pond. Conrad recalls, “The park is wooded with forest right up to the bank of the pond. There’s not much open space, so we set up among the trees.” Peter operated SSB while Conrad handled digital modes, offering hunters different opportunities to make contact.
Meanwhile, Brian Horne (N1BAM) also got in on the POTA action during the HamXposition. On Friday, he activated Callahan State Park (US-2424) in Massachusetts using his personal call sign, N1BAM. Setting up a SuperAntenna with a Faraday cloth for HF, Brian logged an impressive 44 contacts in just over an hour, making it his first time activating a Massachusetts park.
On Sunday, after the conference wrapped up, Brian activated Moosup Valley State Trail (US-7535) in Connecticut on his way home. Hiking in about a quarter-mile, he found an elevated spot overlooking a river and made 17 contacts in just 20 minutes, using the W1XPO call sign.
Conrad and Peter continued their activations with a stop at Quacumquasit Wildlife Management Area (US-11562) in East Brookfield, Massachusetts. Unfortunately, Conrad faced a challenge with his logging software, which refused to cooperate. While Peter had a successful activation, Conrad’s issues reminded them that even experienced operators can encounter setbacks in the field.
The duo made one more stop on the way back to Connecticut, activating Wells State Park (US-2462) in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. As rain began to fall during their activation, they quickly wrapped up and headed home.
The Northeast HamXposition was a tremendous success for Conrad, Peter, and Brian. The combination of presentations and activations made the weekend unforgettable. The joint presentation on the CT-POTA Activators group showcased their passion for POTA, while the activations using the W1XPO call sign highlighted the joy of working with a special event call.
As Brian, Peter, and Conrad activated parks in New England, they further cemented their love for POTA and the unique bond it fosters within the ham radio community. Until next year’s event, the team is eager to continue their POTA adventures, inspiring more operators to explore the joys of activating parks on the air.
POTA on!
Shawn Warren
KC1NQE – Keep Creating 1 New Quality Experience
N2YCH - Activating W1XPO

Providence Radio Association Hosts W1XPO “Get On The Air” at Northeast HamXposition

Vic Farmer writes on the Providence Radio Association Facebook page:
At the 2024 Northeast HamXposition, [the Providence Radio Association] W1OP hosted W1XPO, an On the Air demonstration with a working  Icom 7300 SSB station, where walkins could get on the air time and coaching help. 
On Saturday,  the team additionally operated the WW Digi contest as W1XPO/1. They linked into HQ as a remote client direct from the Best Western Expo Site.   Listed as a multi op single station . . . over 18 operators participated.  They remotely operated via internet, a K3 transceiver into a 135ft Doublet, ladder line fed into a balun. 

Getting Started with POTA and Portable Operation

Picturesque view from a mountain topThe Nashua Area Radio Society (NARS) leadership saw that there may be a lot of latent interest in Parks On The Air (POTA) and portable HF radio operation but club POTA events were not very well attended. Some members had noted that they would like to get involved with POTA but didn’t know how to start. Not knowing about portable operation and not necessarily having the right equipment, folks were reluctant to attend a POTA event. The leadership decided to kick off a “Tiger Team” of interested members in the summer of 2023 to concentrate knowledge in this type of radio operations and share it with all interested members. [Full story]

YLRL Annual Award Deadline, January 1, 2024

YLRL posted on the Young Ladies Radio League Facebook page:

YLs—if you are participating in YLRL’s Annual Award event, please get your application in by Jan 1, 2024.

Award for 2023 is given for working 12 YLs on-the-air, without help from the Internet aids to ham radio contacts. FT8/FT4 do count, as signals go out over your radio and antennas. Official log sheet is on the website (www.ylrl.net) under YLRL Certificates. Deadline for submission is 01/31/2024.


YL Meet and Greet
YL Meet and Greet at the 2023 Northeast HamXposition. Photo courtesy KC1KGS