Massachusetts Governor Healey Confers Citation to ARRL on the 100th Anniversary of the New England Division Convention

A signed official Citation from Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey and Lt. Governor Kimberly Driscoll to mark the ARRL New England Division Convention’s 100th anniversary was among the special events highlighted at the Northeast HamXposition.

ARRL Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, presented the Citation to those attending the Convention’s Saturday evening Grand Banquet:

“On behalf of the residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I am pleased to confer upon you this Governor’s Citation in recognition of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) New England Division Convention, held this year in Marlborough, and in deep gratitude to the approximately 13,000 amateur radio operators in the Commonwealth, who dedicate their time, knowledge, and equipment to assist their communities,” it read.


Photo of MA Gov. Healy's 100th Anniversary Citation



HamXposition Photographer Sought

Larry Krainson, W1AST, writes:
Good Morning All,
I am looking for someone who will be at the closing ceremony where the raffle prizes will be drawn to take pictures of the winning person of door prizes.
If you are available, please contact me.
Many Thanks,
Larry, W1AST

Iain Nicol, KQ4BDT, Awarded 2024 FEMARA Scholarship

Iain Nicol, KQ4BDTThe ARRL Foundation and FEMARA are pleased to announce the 2024 FEMARA Scholarship recipient: Iain Nicol, KQ4BDT, of Hampton, New Hampshire. 

“I have a profound passion for amateur radio. The independence it offers, the opportunities to give back to the community, and the fellowship with fellow members have greatly enriched my life.” 

Ian plans to attend the University of New Hampshire where he plans to pursue studies in chemical engineering. “This field has always fascinated me, and your scholarship brings me one step closer to achieving my dreams.”

FEMARA, along with the entire Northeast HamXposition committee, congratulate Iain and wish him the greatest success in his academic studies and ham radio career.

HamXposition Tickets On Sale at Electronics Plus

If you’d like to purchase your ticket for the Northeast HamXposition early we have them at the store for $18. The show is happening at the Best Western Hotel & Conference Center in Marlborough on August 22nd-August 25th.

Don’t forget to pick up a program at the show which includes a 20% off coupon for our store which is valid 8/23-9/2/24

K5TEC Featured on QSO Today, Episode #507

Bob Phinney, K5TEC

Bob Phinney, K5TEC, who chairs the Youth Activities Committee at HamXposition, was prominently featured on the popular QSO Today podcast on June 22, 2024.

“Bob Phinney, K5TEC, created a new and dynamic after-school science and amateur radio program called New England Sci-Tech, Inc, after his private school, where Bob taught for many years, closed his program from their lack of vision.  K5TEC refocused his energies and built an amazing after school program, and home school resource,  for kids that re-enforces STEM learning, through the study of amateur radio, computers, electronics, and astronomy to make new and exciting amateur radio operators.  Bob, K5TEC, shares the story and the ingredients that make his program a success.”

Elecraft to Showcase its Products at HamXposition

Elecraft, Inc., manufacturer of amateur radio equipment and kits based in Watsonville, California, will showcase its products at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition in Marlborough, Massachusetts on August 23-25, 2024. Elecraft was founded in 1998 by Wayne Burdick and Eric Swartz. The company’s first product was the K2 transceiver; first prototyped in October 1997

Elecraft offers full-featured transceivers and accessories both as factory-assembled and easy-to-build kits.

“We can trace our company’s roots back to Field Day – the ultimate proving grounds for radio gear as well as hams themselves. Our design philosophy was clear from the beginning: Our radios would offer both high performance and portability. These two goals have spawned seven complete transceiver product lines.

“Our goal for the future is to continue to innovate in directions that benefits our customers. To this end, we actively participate in our vibrant user community. Elecraft has always emphasized both ‘hands-on ham radio’ and uncompromising customer support.”