HamXposition 2024 DX / Contest Banquet Speaker: Yuri Onipko, VE3DZ

VE3DZWe are pleased to have as our special guest well-known international DXer/Contester Yuri Onipko, VE3DZ.

Yuri will recap his 50 years of DX and Contesting activities sharing his operating experiences from a variety of locations from around the world.  Yuri recently took top honors in the 2022 WRTC competition held in Italy. He will share practical lessons learned and offer advice for those that may be considering a DXpedition or contest effort from a remote location.

The DX / Contest Banquet will be held at the Best Western Hotel and Conference Center Marlborough, Massachusetts on Friday evening, August 23, 2024.  Tickets for the banquet and other events can be purchased online at https://ticketing.hamxposition.org.



Elecraft to Showcase its Products at HamXposition

Elecraft, Inc., manufacturer of amateur radio equipment and kits based in Watsonville, California, will showcase its products at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition in Marlborough, Massachusetts on August 23-25, 2024. Elecraft was founded in 1998 by Wayne Burdick and Eric Swartz. The company’s first product was the K2 transceiver; first prototyped in October 1997

Elecraft offers full-featured transceivers and accessories both as factory-assembled and easy-to-build kits.

“We can trace our company’s roots back to Field Day – the ultimate proving grounds for radio gear as well as hams themselves. Our design philosophy was clear from the beginning: Our radios would offer both high performance and portability. These two goals have spawned seven complete transceiver product lines.

“Our goal for the future is to continue to innovate in directions that benefits our customers. To this end, we actively participate in our vibrant user community. Elecraft has always emphasized both ‘hands-on ham radio’ and uncompromising customer support.”

FlexRadio Systems Coming to HamXposition

flex radio logoFlexRadio Systems, an Austin, Texas-based manufacturer of advanced software defined radio products for the amateur radio, government and commercial markets will display and sell its products at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition.

“Software defined radios have arrived, and FlexRadio is leading the charge. We are on a mission to change commercial and amateur radio.

“FlexRadio was the first to introduce a true SDR transceiver to the amateur community that allows the personality, functionality, and performance of the radio to be upgraded through simple software downloads. With the introduction of FlexRadio’s SDR-1000 transceiver and the PowerSDR platform in 2003, we single-handedly changed the course of the ham radio industry. This revolution continues to change the face of amateur radio today through our new software solution aptly named SmartSDR and the new FLEX-6000 Signature Series transceiver line. Through innovation and design, we want to help all operators Find Everywhere.

Marborough Area Attractions Added to Website

Welcome to Marlborough highway signThe hamxposition.org website now has a new page, “Welcome to Marlborough.” It highlights numerous hospitality, historical, and entertainment venues situated in and around Marlborough and the Metro West area. The page is a valuable resource for attendees who are traveling to the convention accompanied by non-ham family members and children.

MFJ Closing Down its Manufacturing Facilities

From the YCCC mailing list:
April 25, 2024
Dear Fellow hams and Friends,
It is with a sad heart as I write this letter.
As many of you have heard by now, MFJ is ceasing its on-site production in Starkville, Mississippi on May 17, 2024.  This is also the same for our sister companies:  Ameritron, Hygain, Cushcraft, Mirage and Vectronics.
Times have changed since I started this business 52 years ago.  Our product line grew and grew and prospered.  Covid changed everything in businesses including ours.  It was the hardest hit that we have ever had and we never fully recovered.
I turned 80 this year.  I had never really considered retirement but life is so short and my time with my family is so precious.
I want to thank all of our employees who have helped build this company with me over the years.  We have many employees who have made MFJ their career for 10, 20, 30, 40 and more years.
We are going to continue to sell MFJ products past May 17, 2024.  We have a lot of stock on hand.  We will continue to offer repair service work for out-of-warranty and in-warranty units for the foreseeable future.
Finally, a special thanks to all of our customers and our dealers who have made MFJ a worldwide name and a profitable business for so many years.  You all are so much appreciated.
Sincerely Yours, 73s
Martin F. Jue, K5flu

HamXposition Club Newsletter Award

Open to all New England Amateur Radio Clubs

  • Each club submits:
    • Club newsletter from the 2nd quarter of 2024 (April, May, or June)
    • Email newsetter to: cq-newsletter@hamxposition.org
    • Deadline to submit: Friday, July 5
  • Judging by someone impartial who resides outside of New England on the following:
    • Layout design
    • Content
  • The top three get a digitial sticker they can use on their newsletter for the next 12 months showing that they are #1, #2, or #3 best club newsletter in New England for the period September 1, 2024, through August 31, 2025.
  • The top three winners for the 2024 HamXposition will be ineligible to participate in the 2025 HamXposition competition to allow other clubs to win.


K9HI: “Northeast HamXposition” at PART of Westford Meeting, April 16, 2024

PART of Westford logoPhil Temples, K9HI, presented to members of the PART of Westford (MA) radio club on April 16, 2024 about the 2024 Northeast HamXposition. The talk included the showing of the Convention’s new promotional video produced by Eric Pfeifer, N1JUR. The PART meeting was well attended. 

Several PART club members are actively involved with the Convention, both presenting talks and volunteering their time. 

Nashua ARS Ham Bootcamp, May 11, 2024

Ham Bootcamp logo[The Nashua Area Radio Society is a big promoter of HamXposition, and conducts a “Ham Radio Exhibit” annually showcasing in the vendor area the various operating activities in the hobby.]

The Nashua Area Radio Society will be holding an online Ham Bootcamp on Saturday, May 11th from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern Time.

Ham Bootcamp is a program to help new, inactive, and prospective hams gain the skills and information that they need to Get On The Air.  It is open to any interested Ham or Prospective Ham in the US and Canada and there is no charge to attendees.


New England Amateurs Attend 2024 National Hurricane Conference, Orlando FL, March 26, 2024

National Hurricane Conference logo[Rob Macedo, KD1CY, New Bedford, MA, is a regular presenter at the Northeast HamXposition, conducting SKYWARN training and leading emergency communications workshops. He is the Section Emergency Coordinator for Eastern MA. Jim Palmer, KB1KQW, Peabody, MA, serves as a District Emergency Coordinator in Eastern MA. Jim provides videographer services at New England Division conventions. Josh Johnson, KE5MHV, Newington, CT, is ARRL Director of Emergency Management. Josh was the featured EmComm Keynote speaker at the 2023 Northeast HamXposition.]
Rob Macedo, KD1CY, writes on the SKYWARN_Announce list:

Amateur Radio will again be represented at the 2024 National Hurricane Conference which will be held this year in Orlando Florida (https://www.hurricanemeeting.com). This year, the workshop will be done both live at the conference and over a livestream so this will be a “hybrid workshop”.  The conference theme is to improve hurricane preparedness as it has been in past years. After the workshop is completed, the Amateur Radio Workshop will be uploaded to Youtube for those that can’t attend the sessions live. For 2024, all the Amateur Radio sessions will be on Tuesday March 26th, 2024 from 130-300 PM EDT and from 330-500 PM EDT.  Here is the session breakdown:

NHC Session #1 – 130 PM-300 PM EDT: John Cangialosi, Senior Hurricane Specialist, from the National Hurricane Center will also present on the importance of Amateur Radio surface reporting. Bob Robichaud-VE1MBR from the Canadian Hurricane Centre will provide a video on a Canadian Hurricane Centre Overview and a few meteorological topics via a video recording. Julio Ripoll-WD4R will present WX4NHC Operations and Bobby Graves-KB5HAV will present an overview on the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN).

NHC Session #2: 330 PM-500 PM EDT: Rob Macedo-KD1CY will present on the VoIP Hurricane Net and best practices in SKYWARN Tropical Systems presentation, Joe Bassett-W1WCN will provide a SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Response Radio Network) overview video. Josh Johnston-KE5MHV will give an ARRL update and K1CE-Rick Palm will present on his personal Hurricane Idalia experience. This will be followed by a Q & A session and raffle prizes will be offered.

Amateur Radio presentations will be recorded and posted to Youtube after the workshop within the month of April. The Amateur Radio presentations will also be livestreamed via Youtube as a best effort. It is noted that Internet connectivity can be a challenge at hotel locations for livestreaming but we will do our best to livestream the workshop but please note technical difficulties could affect the livestream so please be patient if you watch the livestream and we will have recordings available post workshop. The YouTube livestream link is: https://www.youtube.com/live/-43X6wVrqwA?si=xK5F6F2I6m1Vu1dQ.

2024 National Hurricane Conference Presenters and Moderator:
•    Moderator: Rob Macedo, KD1CY, VoIP Hurricane Net
•    John Cangialosi, Senior Hurricane Specialist, National Hurricane Center
•    Special guest speaker Bob Robichaud, VE1MBR, Canadian Hurricane Center
•    Special guest speaker Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, Director of Emergency Management, ARRL HQ
•    Julio Ripoll, WD4R, WX4NHC Assistant Amateur Radio Station Coordinator
•    Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) Manager
•    Joe Bassett, W1WCN, SATERN, Salvation Army Team Emergency Response Radio Network
•    Rick Palm, K1CE, ARRL ARES E-Letter Editor/Public Service Columnist
•    Rob Macedo, KD1CY, Director of Operations, VoIP Hurricane Net & ARRL ARES Eastern Mass SEC
•    Jim Palmer, KB1KQW, VoIP Hurricane Net (Videographer)

Detailed Schedule Outline – All Times (Eastern Daylight Time):
130-135 PM:  Opening Remarks
135-210 PM:  Hurricane Surface Reports and 2023 Season Review (John Cangialosi)
210-220 PM:  Canadian Hurricane Centre Overview and Meteorological Topics Video (VE1MBR-Bob R)
220-250 PM:  WX4NHC Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center (WD4R)
250-310 PM:  HWN Overview (KB5HAV)
310-330 PM:  Break
330-400 PM:  VoIP Hurricane Net Overview & Best Practices in SKYWARN for Tropical Systems (KD1CY)
400-410 PM:  SATERN – Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network Overview Video (W1WCN)
410-430 PM: ARRL Update (KE5MHV)
430-450 PM: Florida Hurricane Response & His Personal Hurricane Idalia Story (K1CE)
450-500 PM: Moderated Q & A session and Panel Discussion (All)
500-510 PM: Door Prizes (All)


We hope folks can attend the conference live and in person for those in and around the Orlando FL area or attending the conference and that those outside of the area can participate in the livestream. For those can’t see it live, the workshop video will be posted online via Youtube within a week or two after the conference if not sooner. Thanks to all for their support of Amateur Radio and the NWS Boston/Norton SKYWARN program.