K5TEC Featured on QSO Today, Episode #507

Bob Phinney, K5TEC

Bob Phinney, K5TEC, who chairs the Youth Activities Committee at HamXposition, was prominently featured on the popular QSO Today podcast on June 22, 2024.

“Bob Phinney, K5TEC, created a new and dynamic after-school science and amateur radio program called New England Sci-Tech, Inc, after his private school, where Bob taught for many years, closed his program from their lack of vision.  K5TEC refocused his energies and built an amazing after school program, and home school resource,  for kids that re-enforces STEM learning, through the study of amateur radio, computers, electronics, and astronomy to make new and exciting amateur radio operators.  Bob, K5TEC, shares the story and the ingredients that make his program a success.”

FEMA Disaster Communications Talk at 2024 HamXposition

FEMA iconLearn about FEMA Disaster Communications from FEMA Emergency Management Specialist Mike Corey, KI1U. Mike is an emergency management professional with over 20 years experience in local, state, federal and non-profit sectors. He will share his knowledge and expertise with attendees at the 2024 Northeast Hamxposition.

Nashua Area Radio Society Amateur Radio Exhibition at 2024 HamXposition

We are very pleased to announce that the Nashua Area Radio Society (NARS), will once again be presenting an Amateur Radio Exposition at HamXposition. This exposition will include many hands-on activities, videos, and displays about amateur radio and wireless
communications, including:
NARS Youth Exposition Display at Boxboro

  • Software Defined Radios
  • High-Altitude Balloons
  • Portable and Mobile stations
  • Emergency Communications
  • Satellite and Space Communications
  • Fox-hunting

Rob Sherwood, NCØB, Featured at 2024 HamXposition

Rob Sherwood, NCØB
Rob Sherwood, NCØB

A lot has changed in ten years. Are you considering a new radio?

Don’t miss these dynamite presentations on Friday and Saturday by nationally renowned engineer Rob Sherwood, NCØB. Rob founded Sherwood Engineering, in Colorado, to build receiver upgrades and to test the performance of amateur radio receivers and transceivers. Rob’s list has become the gold standard by which many amateurs, including contest operators, choose their next rig. #hamxposition