“Lessons Learned as a Ham for Broadcast RF and Vice Versa” at HamXposition

Douglas Evans, K3DREJoin Douglas Evans, K3DRE, as he talks about lessons learned in professional radio and how they lead him to ham radio. From there, he’ll move to the things he learned as a radio amateur that helped his career. Doug’s been a lot of places and seen very interesting stuff, but found the basics of RF always apply. #hamxposition

Youth Forum at Northeast HamXposition

What inspires today’s youth in the amateur radio hobby? Find out what’s on the minds of our youngest hams in this captivating round-table discussion. Great learning opportunity for teachers, scout leaders, or clubs wanting to attract more youth to their local radio clubs. #hamxposition

Invite Your Imaginary Friends

Best Western Hotel signYour imaginary friends will enjoy attending the 2024 Northeast HamXposition on February 22-25 at the Best Western in Marlborough, MA.  We encourage you to bring your real friends, too, of course.


“Perennial Favorite” Kansas City DX Pileup Competition, at HamXposition

Kansas City DC Club logoJoin your friends following the Friday banquet for this perennial Dayton favorite: Northeast HamXposition’s version of the annual Kansas City DX Club CW Pileup Competition, hosted by Ed Parish, K1EP.

This competition has become a tradition at the Dayton Hamvention. Participants are charged with copying as many calls as possible from a pileup of about 100 calls. The pileup file simulates a possible “on the air” experience, with some calls sent once, some twice, at varying speeds and pitches. You won’t want to miss it!

Great Publicity For HamXposition from CKUT 90.3 “International Radio Report”

CKUT International Radio Report collage pictureThe August 18, 2024 edition of “International Radio Report” contained a nice publicity piece for HamXposition. The show is carried on CKUT 90.3, at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. International Radio Report is a half ­hour weekly show about radio broadcasting locally and internationally. 

The program can be streamed at https://ckut.ca/playlists/IR . Look for the August 18 archive issue. Click “Listen” or “Download.” The HamXposition piece is mentioned at 26 min. 00 sec. into the stream.


“Radio & Steam Technology” at HamXposition

Massie Wireless Station “PJ”
Massie Wireless Station “PJ”

Don’t miss the presentation on the New England Wireless & Steam Museum campus in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, consisting of five main buildings and their respective collections. Both radio and steam technology will be discussed; but the emphasis will be on antique and modern amateur radio collections and exhibits. Emphasis will be placed on the contributions of volunteers. #hamxposition