Obstructed Signage at Hotel Entrance

Entrance to hotelOne issue that has come up repeatedly is the overgrown foliage blocking the sign at the entrance to the Best Western Hotel entrance off Boston Post Road (U.S. 20).

We’re painfully aware of this problem and so is the hotel. Unfortunately, the trees are situated on an adjacent property over which the hotel has no control.

This year, we compounded the problem by not having a “HamXposition” sign or banner at ground level to help signal folks that they had arrived. We’ll try to rectify this situation next year.

Retain More Information from the Previous Year

“I think the general information, vendors, site structure and schedules for this year should remain up or available by a link until you are ready to change over the site to 2024. I think it would be handy for people to see content and not just a stripped down single page that doesn’t give a flavor of what the convention is about.”

Great minds think alike. We talked about this among the committee members and we agree with you. We will keep the entire schedule of talks from the previous year online and available for viewing. We are also making significant enhancements to our website to make it more interesting and attractive in between the conventions.

More Publicity

One attendee writes:

“I attended flea at MIT the week before – did not see anything related to HamXposition next week there. May be you need a bit more publicity?”

You’re absolutely correct! This year, we’ve launched a new subcommittee to deal with Marketing and Promotion. Stay tuned for lots more publicity about the 2024 HamXposition.

We Welcome Your Feedback!

We’ve received much feedback and constructive criticism of this year’s HamXposition. We will try to incorporate as many ideas as possible to improve HamXposition in 2024. You may email the individual committee members, or visit our testimonial page to leave feedback.