Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP), April 8, 2024: A NASA Supported Citizen Science Event

Bruce Tinkler, N9JBT, writes on the New England Sci-Tech ARS mailing list:

“Join thousands of other operators for a fun, friendly HF competition with a unique goal:  Increasing our understanding of how the ionosphere works.”

April 8th, 2024 during the total solar eclipse.  Operate CW, SSB, FT4/8, even WSPR and FST4W.

Information at

Please bookmark this page and join the HamSCI eclipse mailing list for future announcements related to the HamSCI FoEIS.

[Stanley Pozerski, KD1LE, presented on “HamSCI Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science” at the 2023 Northeast HamXposition.]


HamSCI Eclipse logo

AB1OC, AB1QB Honored as Co-Recipients of the 2024 Orlando HamCation Gordon West Ambassador of the Year Award

Gordon West award announcement on Ham Nation broadcastGeorge Allision, K1IG, writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:

Congratulations to […] Fred, AB1OC, and Anita, AB1QB, who are co-recipients of the 2024 Orlando HamCation Gordon West Ambassador of the Year Award. This award is given annually to outstanding Amateurs who represent and inspire others, who embody the amateur radio spirit, and who have made outstanding contributions to the Amateur Radio community.

Fred and Anita are recognized for their outstanding work both in the New England division and U.S. with Ham Radio Bootcamp, ARISS school contacts, youth outreach, amateur radio balloon launches, and license training. In their spare time, Fred also serves as the New England Division Director, and Anita is the New England Division Assistant Director for Mentoring and New Ham Development.

Well done to Fred and Anita!

[The award was announced on the Ham Nation YouTube broadcast on January 3, 2024.  You can see the story at 27 min., 30 sec. into the video.]


Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC
Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC


Anita Kemmerer, AB1QB
Anita Kemmerer, AB1QB

Collegiate Clubs

The Northeast HamXposition and New England ARRL Convention would be delighted to have more collegiate clubs at this year’s convention.  Our goal is to attract more youth of any age into amateur radio, but also to highlight the local colleges that have amateur radio clubs and perhaps interest youth in staying in the hobby through their college years.  [Full story]

Getting Started with POTA and Portable Operation

Picturesque view from a mountain topThe Nashua Area Radio Society (NARS) leadership saw that there may be a lot of latent interest in Parks On The Air (POTA) and portable HF radio operation but club POTA events were not very well attended. Some members had noted that they would like to get involved with POTA but didn’t know how to start. Not knowing about portable operation and not necessarily having the right equipment, folks were reluctant to attend a POTA event. The leadership decided to kick off a “Tiger Team” of interested members in the summer of 2023 to concentrate knowledge in this type of radio operations and share it with all interested members. [Full story]

New England Sci-Tech Hosts Lexington Boy Scout Troop

Lexington BSA troop at New England Sci-Tech for radio merit badge trainingFrom

Seventeen boys and girls from the Lexington BSA scouts participated in a three-hour program at New England Sci-Tech in Natick [MA] toward their radio merit badge, electronics merit badge, and amateur radio license.

For two groups over two weekends, Jon Lyna, George Lyna, Rusty Moore, K1FVK, and Bob Phinney, K5TEC, led radio and electronics activities. Scout leader John Aldridge created the curriculum which he and Bob plan to make a regular program for scout activities at New England Sci-Tech.

“Gerry’s Ham Radio Life: 48 Years of W1VE”

Gerry Hull, W1VEYouTube video blogger Kevin Thomas, W1DED, interviewed Gerry Hull, W1VE, recently:

“There are many hams who can claim five decades of amateur radio but there are few who have been immersed in so many facets of the hobby as Gerry Hull, W1VE. Gerry is active throughout his native Canada with several VE callsigns, he’s well known for his expertise in the remote ham radio space, he’s consulted for and operated the AA7JV Radio-in-a-Box project, and was instrumental in creating the online contest scoreboard concept. He’s a competitive contester, consummate DXer, technical writer, a long-time member of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club, and more. In this interview, Gerry talks specifically about his recent CQ WW CW multi-op contest effort at the Maine superstation, K1LZ, and then we do a speed round of questions that cover some of his nearly 50 years in ham radio.”

[Gerry was Co-Chair of the 2023 Northeast HamXposition special event station W1A.] 

YLRL Annual Award Deadline, January 1, 2024

YLRL posted on the Young Ladies Radio League Facebook page:

YLs—if you are participating in YLRL’s Annual Award event, please get your application in by Jan 1, 2024.

Award for 2023 is given for working 12 YLs on-the-air, without help from the Internet aids to ham radio contacts. FT8/FT4 do count, as signals go out over your radio and antennas. Official log sheet is on the website ( under YLRL Certificates. Deadline for submission is 01/31/2024.


YL Meet and Greet
YL Meet and Greet at the 2023 Northeast HamXposition. Photo courtesy KC1KGS