“Spy” Radios and Secret Clandestine Communications

Enigma Machine
Enigma in use, 1943

Mike Crestohl, W1RC, and Tom Perera, W1TP, will present at the 2024 Northeast HamXposition their ever popular presentation and discussion about secret radio communications and related equipment used during the Second World War and afterwards. This includes the German Enigma and other forms of mechanical cryptography.

Tom Perera , Ph.D., W1TP, is a retired professor of neuroscience. He has been a ham radio operator for 70 years specializing in the history of telegraph keys and Enigma cipher machines. He has given hundreds of lectures on these topics at hamfests, clubs and conventions.

Michael Crestohl, W1RC, a.k.a. “MisterMike,” is a well-known collector and restorer of “spy radio” equipment.