2025 Northeast HamXposition – HamX August 21-24, 2025
Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center, 181 Boston Post Road
Route 495 at Route 20, Marlboro, Massachusetts 01752 508-460-0700
Visit our Purchase Tickets page to purchase your booth space and to enjoy the other activities our convention has to offer.
Several exhibitors have asked us to implement these security procedures in the exhibit hall area. Although this may inconvenience a few late-arriving exhibitors we feel the majority will be well-served by these procedures. Please understand they are for everyone’s benefit.
The Exhibit halls will be open to exhibitors beginning Friday, August 22 at noon. On Friday evening the doors will close at 5 PM. A security guard will be posted at the door. Only exhibitors with the proper credentials will be allowed entry after this time. They must sign a log. AFTER 8 PM, NO EXHIBITOR WILL BE PERMITTED IN THE EXHIBIT HALL. THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. This allows exhibitors to rest in preparation for the show the next day without having to be concerned about the materials in their booths. Exhibitors may re-enter the hall after 7 AM the next morning with proper identification. The show opens to the public at 9 AM on Saturday, August 24 and 10 AM on Sunday, August 25.
Installation of exhibits must be completed FRIDAY, August 22. Exhibits will be open to the public on SATURDAY, August 23 from 9 AM to 5 PM and SUNDAY August 24 from 10 AM to 2 PM. All exhibits must be dismantled and removed from the exhibition hall by midnight SUNDAY. All trucking and other services should be arranged in advance by the exhibitor. In Massachusetts trucking firms are CLOSED on weekends and not reachable.
Vendor chairman Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, with assistance from Larry Krainson, W1AST, can assist you in making any return shipment arrangements within the weekend limitations mentioned above. Assistance with issues involving the booths can be obtained by calling the hotel switchboard or Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, at 508-574-5432. The hotel telephone switchboard number is (508) 460-0700. Due to the carpeting, motor vehicles will not be permitted on the convention floor.
1. FEMARA, Inc. cannot guarantee exhibitors against loss or damage of any kind but will endeavor to protect exhibitors by having security on duty from noon Friday throughout the convention.
2. No part of any exhibit, or any signs relating thereto, shall be pasted, nailed or otherwise attached to the walls, doors, etc. in any way as to deface the same; damage arising by failure to observe these rules shall be paid by the exhibitor.
3. The rights and privileges of an exhibitor shall not be infringed upon by any other exhibitor. Interviews, demonstrations, distribution of literature, etc. must be made inside the exhibitor’s booth.
4. All structural work such as shelving, standards, display racks, signs, spot lights, etc. must be approved.
5. Advertising material or signs of firms other than those who have engaged space are prohibited, Canvassing, solicitation or business or conferences in the interest of business, except by exhibiting firms, is prohibited.
6. Space is leased with the understanding that the exhibitor will hold FEMARA, Inc. harmless from any or all liabilities from any cause.
7. Hotel rooms should be booked directly with the hotel. Make sure to tell them that you are with the New England ham radio convention. They can be reached at 508-460-0700. Do this early – rooms become scarce.
8. All points not covered herein are subject to settlement by FEMARA. The forgoing regulations have been formulated for the best interests of the exhibitors and the cooperation of our patrons is requested.
Thank you, FEMARA, Inc.
SPONSORED BY FEMARA, INC., A 501(C)(3) ORGANIZATION Vendor Chair: Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, k1twf@hamxposition.org