Over $14,000 in Door Prizes were Awarded
Sunday Closing Ceremony Door Prize Drawings
You must submit your ticket stub at the convention to win the Sunday prizes listed below. You do not need to be present to win the first four major door prizes. However, those in attendance at the closing ceremony will be eligible to win dozens more!

PreppIR 20m-6m Dipole, with SDA 100 controller

Icom IC-705 QRP all-in-one transceiver 160m to 70cm + D-Star

Xiegu X6100 QRP HF/6m transceiver

Icom ID-50A VHF/UHF/D-Star HT

Plus many, many more!
The Northeast HamXposition Committee Wishes to Thank the Following Companies, Organizations, and Individuals for Donating Door Prizes: