FEMARA wishes to thank all the contributors who donated to the scholarship fund when purchasing tickets. Your contributions were greatly appreciated! For those who gave $50 or more, you are officially recognized as members of our “Moonbounce Club:”

AB1OC — Fred Kemmerer
K1TWF — Mike Raisbeck
K5TEC — Bob Phinney
KC1KGS — Barbara T. Irby
KW1U — Marcia K. Forde
W1GV — Robert Hatch
W1USN — Michael Roux
K1DP — Domenic Padula
K1UAF — John Gotthardt
KB1OIQ — Andy Stewart
KD1CY — Rob Macedo
W1DYJ — Larry Banks
W1MVP — Michael Pasquale
WA1ENO — Tony Manna
WB1ARU — Anne Manna
Brett Miwa
You can donate any time of the year to the FEMARA Scholarship! Contact one of the FEMARA Officers for details.