Grand Prizes Awarded at 2024 Northeast HamXposition

Congratulations to the grand prize winners at the 2024 Northeast HamXpositon!

Joseph F. Del Guidice, K1CR, of Cranston, Rhode Island, was the lucky winner of the combination SteppIR SDA 100 Controller and PreppIR 20m-6m Portable, Quick Deploy Dipole System by SteppIR. 

2024 1st Grand Prize


The 2nd Grand Prize award, an Icom IC-705 QRP all-in-one transceiver 160m to 70cm + D-Star, went to Yuri V. Dogadaev, UT1EE, from Ukraine.

Icom IC-705 image


Gary E. Schultzbert, KC1HGC, of North Uxbridge, MA, won the 3rd Grand Prize: a Xiegu X6100 QRP HF/6m transceiver.

Xiegu X6100 Qrp HF/6m transceiver


The Fourth Grand Prize was awarded to James E Dalton, II, KB5RBY, of Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire. James won a Icom ID-50A VHF/UHF/D-Star HT.

Icom ID-50A VHF/UHF/D-Star HT


Congratulations to these amateurs and those in attendance Sunday afternoon who won many, many door prizes given away.