Thanks for attending the 2024 Northeast HamXposition and ARRL New England Division Convention.
See you in 2025!
Plus hundreds of additional photos here and here
News and Information
Looking for inspiration? We’re intentionally soliciting talks at all levels: introductory, general interest, advanced. The ideal presentation is preferably about 45 minutes in length and…
HamX is the largest annual gathering of Radio Amateurs east of Dayton and north of Huntsville. And it fields more talks and workshops than any…
POTA Adventures at the Northeast HamXposition: Conrad, Peter, and Brian’s Exciting Weekend The Northeast HamXposition, held in Marlborough, Massachusetts, from August 22nd to 25th, was…
The Minuteman Repeater Association, an Eastern Massachusetts-based non-profit organization providing communications infrastructure and volunteers for community and emergency events since 1971, was active at the…
For the full list of news items, see
Major Prizes
FIRST GRAND PRIZE: Awarded to Joseph F. Del Guidice, K1CR, Cranston, Rhode Island
Awarded to: Yuri V. Dogadaev, UT1EE, Ukraine
Awarded to: Gary E. Schultzbert, KC1HGC, North Uxbridge, MA
Awarded to: James E Dalton, II, KB5RBY, Fitzwilliam, NH
Our expanded list of major vendors
FlexRadio Systems
“Software defined radios have arrived, and FlexRadio is leading the charge. We are on a mission to change commercial and amateur radio.
“FlexRadio was the first to introduce a true SDR transceiver to the amateur community that allows the personality, functionality, and performance of the radio to be upgraded through simple software downloads. With the introduction of FlexRadio’s SDR-1000 transceiver and the PowerSDR platform in 2003, we single-handedly changed the course of the ham radio industry. This revolution continues to change the face of amateur radio today through our new software solution aptly named SmartSDR and the new FLEX-6000 Signature Series transceiver line. Through innovation and design, we want to help all operators Find Everywhere.“
“Elecraft offers full-featured transceivers and accessories both as factory-assembled and easy-to-build kits.
“We can trace our company’s roots back to Field Day – the ultimate proving grounds for radio gear as well as hams themselves. Our design philosophy was clear from the beginning: Our radios would offer both high performance and portability. These two goals have spawned seven complete transceiver product lines.
“Our goal for the future is to continue to innovate in directions that benefits our customers. To this end, we actively participate in our vibrant user community. Elecraft has always emphasized both ‘hands-on ham radio’ and uncompromising customer support.”
“You’ll find Anderson Powerpoles and assembled cables; a wide variety of DC Power cables and accessories; ladder line, coax cables and jumpers in several sizes and lengths; antenna wire of many types; high quality antenna rope, pulleys, and insulators; baluns; speaker mics and speakers; antenna mounts for almost any vehicle; HF, VHF, and UHF antennas for base, mobile, and portable use; connectors and adapters for most RF cables; tools, SWR meters and voltmeters; plus plenty of other handy items and gadgets to make Ham radio more fun.”
And many others, including:
Gold Medal Ideas
Club Gear Online
Reliance Antennas
Remote Ham Radio
VE2DX Electronics
Halibut Electronics, Inc
LED Booth Sign
Nemal Electronics
Uni-Trend Technology US, Inc
Scanner Master
Photos courtesy: K5TEC; K1FVK; KC1KGS; W1AST; K9HI