2025 HamXposition Club Newsletter Award

Radio clubs are the backbone of a healthy and active ham radio community. Most active clubs produce a monthly newsletter to inform members of club activities and ham radio events. We would like to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of those radio club newsletter editors with this Club Newsletter Award.

The contest is open to all New England amateur radio clubs. Your club doesn’t have to be big to be competitive. Each entry will be judged based on content and design.

Submit an issue of your newsletter from the second quarter of 2025 (April, May, or June) and email to: NewsletterContest@HamX.org. The submission deadline is Friday, July 1, 2025.


The top three winners will receive a digital sticker (JPEG image) that can be used in their newsletter for the next 12 months showing that they are the #1, #2, or #3 best club newsletter in New England for the period September 1, 2025, through August 31, 2026.

Last year’s winners will be ineligible to participate in the this year’s competition to allow other clubs to win.


1st, 2nd, 3rd place icons for newsletter contest