The Northeast HamXposition and New England Division Convention is most fortunate to have as its keynote speaker Thomas Witherspoon, K4SWL. Thomas has been a ham radio operator since 1997, making most of his contacts in the field with low-power (QRP) gear. He runs, the SWLing Post, and the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive, and is a regular co-hosts the Ham Radio Workbench podcast. A 2023 inductee into the QRP Hall of Fame, Thomas has a deep love for chasing weak signals from the great outdoors.
Thomas will explore the enduring values of amateur radio—joy, kindness, community, diversity, and mentorship—and how they have always been at the heart of the hobby. He will highlight how mentorship, or Elmering, ensures amateur radio remains self-sustaining. It is through these values that amateur radio continues to be a dynamic and innovative space where operators push technical boundaries, foster new ideas, and build lifelong connections that will carry the hobby into the future. [Full story]