Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, Steps Down as HamXposition Exam Coordinator

Bruce Anderson, W1LUS
Bruce Anderson, W1LUS

Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, announced on September 29, 2023, that he is stepping down after serving twenty-three years as Exam Coordinator for the Northeast HamXposition. Bruce is one of the longest-serving members of the committee and can trace his lineage back through all the “Marlboro” years and more than half of the Boxboro conventions.

Each year, Bruce has organized teams to conduct Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning exam sessions at the convention. Bruce is responsible for countless individuals earning their tickets at a Boxboro or Marlboro event.

“Thank you for your 23 years of service (yikes!) to the convention,” wrote FEMARA Vice President Bob DeMattia, K1IW.

“We’ve been working this convention for a very long time together. I’ll miss you! We’ll all miss you!” replied FEMARA President and ARRL First Vice President Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF.

“I’ve been on the committee for only a short while compared to you,” wrote Phil Temples, K9HI, Marketing & Promotion Subcommittee Chairperson, “but your name and call are synonymous with VE testing at Boxbo … uh … I mean, HamXposition.” 😉

Bruce has asked Ron Rothman, the ARRL VE Liaison for the Minuteman Repeater Association’s team to serve in his stead as Exam Coordinator.

FEMARA and the Northeast HamXposition wishes to express its gratitude to Bruce for his hard work over the years and hopes that he stays in touch.