Rick Roderick, K5UR, is President of the ARRL. Rick is our featured Keynote Speaker and will officially kick off the convention with his address at 9 AM in Seminar Room A.
Rick lives north of Little Rock, Arkansas on a 50 acre hilltop QTH. He’s been a ham for 52 years and is a Life Member of the ARRL.
Rick has held numerous ARRL volunteer positions continuously for all of those 52 years. He has been on the ARRL Board of Directors for 29 years and currently serves as President. He has served on all standing committees of the ARRL Board of Directors and served on numerous other committees and task forces of the Board over the years. He also served on the DX Advisory Committee and was chairman for many years. He was instrumental in the creation and implementation of Logbook of the World and the DXCC Challenge Award.
Rick has held numerous HF and VHF/UHF operating and achievements awards. Rick is an avid DXer with 371 countries worked, including 327 countries on 160 meters, 353 countries on 80 meters, 354 countries on 40 meters, some of the top standings in the world. He holds DXCC on 10 bands and is ranked 7th in the world on the DXCC Challenge Award. He holds over 10 different Worked All Zones Awards, and was one of the first to achieve Worked All Zones on 160 meters. On VHF/UHF, he’s held many operating and achievement records, including the world distance record for QSO’s on 2 meters meteor scatter and 222 MHz tropo. He was one of the first to work all continental 48 states on 2 meters without the use of moon bounce, 47 states in one year. He is second in the world on 6 meters VUCC and first in the world on VUCC for 2 meters, 222 MHz, 432 MHz, and 1296 MHz for non-EME. He received the Fred Fish Memorial Award #3 for having worked all grid squares in the United States on 6 meters.
RIck graduated from the University of Arkansas with a B.S. degree in Mathematics, an M.S. degree in Operations Management, and a J.D. in law degree. After working 20 years in business, he entered private practice with an emphasis in labor and employment law, and is Managing Partner of a law firm with three locations in Arkansas. He and his wife, Holly, have two grown children. Holly is well known for her active part in representing Amateur Radio and the ARRL wherever they go.
He loves ham radio!