Welcome From the ARRL Foundation

David Norris, K5UZDavid A. Norris, K5UZ
ARRL Foundation

On behalf of the ARRL foundation, it is with great honor that I extend my greetings and sincere gratitude to the members of FEMARA. You have made the commitment to provide a real legacy for your organization and amateur radio in general by funding an ARRL Foundation Scholarship on an annual basis. This represents a level of service to the community that only a select few amateur radio clubs or organizations ever achieve.

FEMARA should be proud of the work you are doing by funding this academic award to a worthy student amateur radio operator. Through the scholarships, FEMARA, along with other organizations and individuals are making life changing contributions not only to amateur radio but society at large. Your commitment through the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program is indeed helping to positively shape a young amateur’s life and in so doing, creating a better world.

I wish to congratulate FEMARA along with the 2023 FEMARA scholarship winner, Cory Dennen, NW1BB. 73 ES DX!


Mike Ritz, W7VOMike Ritz, W7VO
Vice President
ARRL Foundation

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the ARRL Foundation. The Foundation works hand in hand with the ARRL to provide philanthropic support for amateur radio through scholarships, club grants, and other programs to ensure a strong and vibrant future for the avocation.

Generous gifts from individual donors and organizations like FEMARA ensure that the Foundation can continue its mission to administer and award scholarships to deserving applicants. We anticipate awarding more than 100 scholarships, ranging from $500 to $25,000 in 2024. My sincere thanks go to the many volunteers and organizers of the Northeast HamXposition and the New England Division Convention for making your FEMARA Scholarship a reality, and congratulations to the numerous scholarship recipients who have benefited from your generosity.

To learn more about the ARRL Foundation, please visit us at http://www.arrl.org/the-arrl-foundation. To learn how to make amateur radio a part of your charitable giving, contact the ARRL Development office at http://www.arrl.org/contact-us.